Free Workshop!

Join the [TITLE OF Video Series]!

DATE(s) | TIME(s)


[Video Series Title]

[What they will get out of joining the event] 

Join hundreds of other [client avatar] for [x] days of [event topic]!


Is this FREE Workshop for me?

We Have A Seat With Your Name On It!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

Here's what I'll be teaching you in this FREE workshop...

How you can.... [Item you're teaching] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

How you can.... [Item you're teaching] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

How you can.... [Item you're teaching] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

How you can.... [Item you're teaching] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

[DATE]: Lesson 1


[DATE]: Lesson 2


[DATE]: Lesson 3


[DATE]: Lesson 4


The Schedule

The schedule starts on [DATE] and the first video will be sent right to your email at [TIME].

Make sure to check your spam folder to make sure that you get all our email updates!

Then join Mark for a live Q&A call on ZOOM on [Date] and [Time].

If you can't make it live, don't worry! The recording will be emailed to you after the Q&A call. 


Imagine if...

 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

Hey there . . .

I'm [Your Name].


Your bio will go here. Speak to your audience member and relate. to them. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.


Join [Your Name] Today!

Discover the ...

Ready to [result of workshop]?

Simply click the button to fill out the form and reserve your spot at the [NAME OF WORKSHOP]!